
   Angielski Szkocki gaelicki
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posp. urramach
| prefix
gram. ro-leasachan
| sometimes
posp. uaireannan
| translated
posp. eadar-theangaich; eadar-theangachadh
| august
posp. Lùnastal
| Japanese
jęz. Seapànais
| terms
mat. teirm
| often
posp. tric
prefixed | with
posp. le
| the
posp. na
| honorific
posp. urramach
mi may be listed | under
posp. fo
their | main
posp. prìomh
| word
posp. facal
| in
posp. a stigh
| this
posp. seo
| dictionary
posp. faclair
E.g | for
posp. ris
mi-tama | see
posp. faic
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honorific ['ɔnə'rɪfɪk] rzecz.
posp. urramach